P Our Seven comrades promoted from sub staff to Cler.. P Minutes Signed with IBA on PLI and Health Ins. P United Forum of UCO Bank Workforce protest against.. P Bank issued circular on welfare scheme 2024-25 P AIBEA discussed PLI and other issues with IBA P Youth convention of AIBEA On 11th and 12 th Aug 20.. P New 12th Bipartite DA scheme. Who Gain Who lost? P AIBEA General Council meeting ends successfully P AIBEA National Youth Sammelan on 11th 12th Aug24 a.. P 12th Bipartite settlement signed. Detail released P CONGRATULATIONS! AIBEA Signed 12th BPS P Salient features of 12th BPS P IBA Invites UFBU on 8th March instead of 11th for .. P It is finally confirmed. Retirees wait is over. P IBA Invites UFBU for signing the BPS on 11th Feb P United forum of UCO Bank workforce issued the comm.. P AIBEA extend support to All India protest on 16th .. P Discussion of UFBU with IBA is well in progress P Bank issued revised compassionate scheme P CONGRATULATIONS! MOU for 12th Bipartite settlemen..
Welcome to UCBEU
On this occasion of 10th Conference of our Union, a publication titled “GUIDE - A BOOK FOR YOU INTEREST” which is a booklet containing comprehensive details pertaining to various schemes and welfare measures that are part of service conditions of employees of the bank.We intend to dedicate this book to Com. Krishan Lal, who had breathed his last on 2nd August 2008. Com. Krishan Lal had throughout his life contributed a lot for the achievement of better service condition for the comrades. This central office has decided to dedicate this book to him.
09 Jul, 2024
Congratulations to all the colleagues who have been promoted from sub staff to clerical cadre
Chandigarh Zone
1) Com Kulwinder Ram.   Ch 2
2) Com Mani                     Ch 2
3) Com Arun Kumar.         Ch 3
Jalandhar Zone
4) Com Munish                 Ch 1
5) Com Shubham Kumar. Ch 3
Karnal Zone
6) Com Meera Rani.         Ch 1
7) Com Harish Kumar.      Ch 2
09 Jul, 2024
UFBU CIRCULAR : Our Unions and members are aware that we have been discussing with the IBA regarding revised norms for grant of Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) as well as the Group Medical Insurance Policy for inservice employees/officers and for the retirees. Discussions were held on 18- 4-2024, 13-5-2024, 15-6-2024 and recently on 2-7-2024. Arising out of these discussions, Minutes have been signed between IBA and UFBU. We give below the details of the Minutes.
05 Jul, 2024
Bank’s Advertisement on Engagement of Apprentices aimed at to contractualise the perennial and permanent jobs.
At the outset we firmly lodge our protest and opposition on the contemplated scheme of engaging apprentices. We also convey our displeasure & disapproval over the attitude of the management for ignoring the reality, staff shortage and need for regular recruitment at all level. In our view such a step of engaging apprentices for a limited period in an institution like ours will prove to be detrimental to the interest of the Bank in the long run.
24 Jun, 2024
Sub: Bank's Staff Welfare Schemes for the year 2024-25 Improvement/Amendment thereof.
The Staff Welfare Commiffee in its meeting held on 07.06.2024 has approved some improvement/amendment in Staff Welfare Schemes which ore
18 Jun, 2024
UFBU Circular: Further to the signing of the 12th Bipartite Settlement and 9th Joint Note on 8-3-2024, there were two rounds of discussions with IBA on 18-4-2024 and 13-5-2024 on the various pending issues, particularly relating to renewal of group medical insurance policy and modifications in the PLI formula, another round of discussions took place between IBA and UFBU on 15-6-2024.
27 May, 2024
We are proud to host the 3rd National Youth Convention of AIBEA At Chennai 11th & 12th August, 2024
Hearty welcome to our Yuva Sakthi
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