13/04/2018 01:31 - admin

·        73 rd FOUNDING DAY OF AIBEA – 20TH ARPIL, 2018



All our units and members will be aware that 20th April, 2018 marks the completion of 72 years of glorious existence of AIBEA and will be the 73rd Founding Day of our beloved organisation. As in every year, this year also we need to celebrate and observe the Founding Day befittingly.


All that bank employees enjoy today – better wages, secured service conditions, safe jobs and total job security, fortified trade union rights, right to collective bargaining and bipartism – are the results of unity of the employees, loyalty to the organisation and continued militant struggles under the banner of AIBEA. We are also proud that AIBEA played a pioneering role in fighting for nationalisation of Banks and today we are fighting against all attempts to privatise these Banks.

 All of us certainly understand that the days ahead are going to be tough and more challenging because of the hostile policies of the Government. Banking industry will be under severe attack. The private corporates who are responsible for huge bad loans are now demanding privatisation to swallow our public sector Banks.

 Hence we need to unite more, and we need to fight more. We need to defend our jobs and job security, we need to fight for betterment in the living and serving conditions of bank employees.

 We need to secure and safeguard the future of the thousands of young bank employees who have joined the Banks in the recent years with a lot of expectations. Their jobs and job security are a priority issue before us today.There are policies of contractualisation and outsourcing our regular and permanent jobs. There are attempts to curtail recruitments of permanent employees. We need to fight against outsourcing and for adequate recruitments

We also need to ensure vibrant public sector banks in the larger interest of our country. Banks are nation building institutions and they must remain so. Our past has been glorious. It is in our hands to make the future more splendid and meaningful. Hence we all upon all our units and members all over the country to celebrate the occasion with organisational programmes and activities                                                                                                                               

Decoration of all our union Offices : All our union offices at various places/banks should be properly decorated/illuminated to mark the occasion.

Hoisting of AIBEA Flag in front of Union Office : AIBEA Flag should be hoisted in front of our union buildings on 20th morning/evening.

Display of posters : Specimen of poster is sent herewith. All our unions should get the posters printed in sufficient number and poster should be displayed before each and every branch/office.

Mass Meetings: Mass meetings should be held preferably on 20th April, 2015 or between 15th & 22nd April, 2018 in all places wherein the glorious history of history of AIBEA is to be recalled while explaining the present challenges and our tasks. Former leaders and veterans are to be invited for such meetings.

Seminars, workshops, training classes, customer meets, etc. are to be organised in various centres.

Circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, etc. on the history of AIBEA to be released in English and local languages.

Social Identification programmes/Blood Donation Camps are to be organised by our units.

Cultural and literary programmes involving our young members may be organised in different places.

Sankalp Divas – Pledge Taking : All our members should assemble in the respective branches on 20-4-2018 during lunch time or after office hours and a common pledge should be taken ( specimen enclosed).



·        To ever remain united under the banner of AIBEA

·        To further strengthen the unity of bank employees under AIBEA

·        To be ready for all struggles to promote the interests of bank employees

·        To fight back all attacks on our jobs and job security

·        To defend public sector banking

·        To further improve customer service

·        To resist all attempts of retrograde banking reforms

·        To fight for tough measures to recover bad loans

·        To repulse anti-worker labour reforms

·        To fight against outsourcing and for more recruitments

·        To achieve banking as a fundamental right of the people

·        To demand vibrant banking policies to make vibrant India

·        To remain in solidarity with the working class

·        To fight against exploitation of man by man

·        To work towards promoting communal harmony

·        To fight against all types of attacks on women and children

·        To fight for a strong, self-reliant economy

·        To ensure a strong, democratic, secular, socialistic IndianRepublic



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